Why would Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) ask Kavanaugh about farting when Kavanaugh was 16 in Ford's hearing?
Isn't this a little stupid even for a democrats?
Whitehouse is something of a disgusting pig.
We needed to know about armpit noises. Why did Sheldon (great name for the doofus character in your next novel) not ask about armpit noises?
When I run for President I sure hope they don't find out about me recording my own farts in grade school and then playing them back in slo-mo so I could hear every flap.
Democrats are sick hypocrites.
Blumenthal called Kavanaugh a liar when Blumenthal lied for years about going to Vietnam when he never left Connecticut.
That bum went to Yale.
Kavanaugh lied about "boofing" (anally ingesting alcohol). Just another of many examples of perjury.
Whitehouse has a thing for farts.
They love the action
He didn't. He asked him about a reference to boofing in his yearbook. You seem to be one of a number of references to binge drinking, and which would have contradicted Cavanaugh's account of himself as a moderate drinker.
- Why would a woman put herself through a judgmental hearing is she wasn't seeking justice? Regarding Kavanaugh/Ford hearing. I would like to know any possible answer from anyone, but I would be especially interested in thoughts from females on why they would put themselves through that scrutiny.
- Looks like Christine Ford isn't interested in showing up to the hearing on Monday. Kavanaugh will be. Gee, I wonder why that may be? Anyone who shows up and testifies will be doing so under oath. If Ford and Kavanaugh give two conflicting stories, then one of them has to be lying, and doing so under penalty of perjury. Perhaps the one who does not WANT to show up and testify under oath is the one who would be lying. Wouldn't make much sense for it to happen the other way around, now would it?
- Isn't it likely the reason Senator Dianne Feinstein sat on the information she got from Dr Ford instead of immediately turning it over to? The Chairman of the Judicial Committee like she should have is that there wasn't much of a case and realized when the Judicial Committee had the information investigated they would likely find nothing instead by sitting on the information till the end it could help to get some of the RINO's to vote against confirmation