Why is the right wing spreading false stories that Ford, Swetnick, or Ramirez have recanted their accusations against Kavanaugh?
Why is the right wing spreading false stories that Ford, Swetnick, or Ramirez have recanted their accusations against Kavanaugh?
Added (1). None of the 3 have recanted and none of the 3 have been proven to have lied. So why lie about it?
Cons lie all the time. It's genetic.
Kavanaugh is a sitting Justice. That's over
A lot of liberal males are gay and have AIDS
How can the right do that since the media is controlled by the left?
Who cares. Kavanaugh was sworn in more than a month ago, get over it.
They aren't.
- Why are right-wing freaks spreading conspiracy theories about Brett Kavanaugh's accuser? Already they're pretending Brett Kavanaugh's mother ruled against Dr. Ford's parents in a 1996 foreclosure case. But she actually ruled in favor of them. This reminds me of when Republicans accused Roy More's accuser of forgery until someone burned her house down.
- Should impeachment proceedings be started against all of the GOP Senators who have decided to deny Dr.Ford her constitutional right? To have all of her witnesses testify before Congress under oath @Jeffrey You can Read Article II Section 4
- Kavanaugh - If Lewinsky was important should Ford & Ramirez also be? Republican spent years investigating Lewinsky. You see, President Bill Clinton was a bad boy who lied about having consensual sex. Wow, it was very important that they investigate. Kavanaugh is accused of sexual assault of two women. Republicans feel that this is not important and they do not need to investigate. It's a good thing republicans have their priorities straight.
- Are Christine Ford's details around her accusations against Kavanaugh intentionally vague so that it can't be proven she is lying? She didn't know when or where it happened or how she got there or how she got home. Every person she named have no recollection of it. Why did she delete all of her social media right before this went public? Was this a well planned hit job?