Why is Fortune magazine spreading fake news about Ford?

Why is Fortune magazine spreading fake news about Ford?

Silly Ford. What makes them think they know their business better than Supreme Leader does?

What's "fake" about it? The fact that Ford Motor Co's response to the imposition of tariffs on one of its products is not what the President expected?

The important story in all of this is who is going to buy a Made in China car that's not plastic and sells for $0.99 a the local dollar store?

I bought a Stainless grill from China and it rusted out in less than 2 years while covered.
I had to throw away my dog food because the Chinese were poisoning it.
I throw away goods that used to last 15 years in a few that were made in China.

Cheap yes. Value = NO! Safe = No!

Ford makes garbage ayway, whether it is a Ford or a Mazda. The transmissions are often defective and expensive to work on. I owned a Ford Ranger once and a Lincoln Continental and both cost a ton more than my good old reliable Chevrolet. Lesson learned.

The Germans say we must learn to make better quality cars.