Why is Ford advised by Democratic operative Ricki Seidman who worked as Joe Biden's communications director in 2008?
Why is Ford advised by Democratic operative Ricki Seidman who worked as Joe Biden's communications director in 2008?
Added (1). She also worked for President Obama to push Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court and she also worked for the Clinton White House.
She is being used
I think trump should pick another judge.
Why is Kavanaugh being advised by hundreds of political operatives?
Why did Kavanaugh spend 9 hours at the White House getting media trained by Bill Shine, former Fox co-president and now White House communications director, prior to the hearings?
Because he wants to
The Illuminati at work.
Because liars need coaching. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
He is innocent, and we all know it. All "witnesses" of these girls say they are lying, and the latest "sex ring" one apparently was chasing after a married man and threatened his family, and he had to get a restraining order on her psycho ***. None of them are credible. The first one, Christine Ford, has profited herself $160,000 thru her GoFundMe. Plus, 4 last minute accusations a week before he gets confirmed to the Supreme Court? Yeah, uh huh, lmao.
Considering all of these facts, you don't actually believe these girls are telling the truth, nobody does. Lying and pretending like you think hes guilty, when you know full well he is not, only makes your party look petty, fake, scheming and dishonest, and you acting that way will really hurt you guys in the 2018 midterms and 2020 general election.
Lying about and defaming the character of an innocent and good man, (who has been so good to all the women in his life for so many years), for political purposes, is a disgusting act that will turn off moderates, energize republicans, and make even some more mild democrats' stomachs churn with disgust.
Don't lnow
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