Why is Christine Ford refusing to turn over her therapist's notes until she gets an interview with the FBI?

Is she planning on telling them something different than what she testified under oath?

Fake news.


That would mean she doesn't want them to be able to review them before she is questioned.

LMFAO - - they're already being circulated

Delay, delay, delay, and if that doesn't work delay. It is montra of the DNC.

Republican'ts didn't want to listen to her in the first place
they eventually turned off her mic

Turn them over to WHOM? If CNN published them, you'd just say it was fake news. Fox would bury the story. The FBI is the appropriate place for them.

She's already changed her narrative once under directions form her Democrat handlers. I wouldn't be at all surprised if her story changes again.

These people aren't anywhere near done with Kavanaugh yet; I'll bet money on THAT!

We already know what they say. Kavanuagh was accused for at least five years BEFORE there was political motivation to do so.