Why dose Mrs Ford want Kavanaugh to testify first?

Isn't the defendant supposed to testify last in order to respond to his accusations?

Ford is moving the goal post. The republicans called her out on her bluff and now she is backtracking.

I find it fascinating that the accuser dictates the terms of the meeting, she could be charged with contempt of Congress for that. She also demands that no lawyers are there.


"I don't know what this woman is talking about. I've maybe met her once or twice in passing, but I never assaulted her anywhere, at anytime."

Ford: "You did (blah blah blah blah)"

Kavanaugh: "Sorry. It didn't happen. You are obviously mistaken."

In a normal legal process the prosecution goes first
Then the defense counters the accusations

The whole Ford episode is twisted

Kavanaugh testified about the accusations last Monday, and it was under oath. He has said he will be there next Monday to testify again. The Senate should stick to their 10 AM today deadline for her to say if she will testify Monday.

Ford does not care about anything with respect to the law. She wants justice to be done without going to the Police. She wants the FBI to investigate an alleged crime that is not a federal crime. She wants everyone to believe her story without actually telling anyone the whens or where of the story. She wants to be believed while providing a story that suggests that there can't and won't be any corroborating evidence. She wants a monkey court of public opinion to win the day over a court.

Well, they are trying to manipulate the system in their favor.

They want it treated like a legal case when that benefits them, but, they want it also to just be a exchange of views when that benefits them.

It's a common political tactic.

You are correct in that the defendant goes last. I would think she wants him to go first so then her side can try to use his words against him. Everyone should be heard, and the usual rules should apply and be followed. Let's get this thing done.

Since when, is the defendant not allowed to face their accuser? That is also part of what she wants. I'm curious as to how Dr Ford dictating how these hearings will be handled, will play out.

Yes! In a NORMAL court of law, the accuser testifies first, and the defendant responds to the accusations. FORD wants Kavanaugh to go first so she can figure out what SHE has to LIE about in order to make him look bad.