Why don't we just toss Dr Ford/etc and Kavanaugh in a lake and we will know who ever drowns was telling the truth?
Why don't we just toss Dr Ford/etc and Kavanaugh in a lake and we will know who ever drowns was telling the truth?
Added (1). matter of fact we should do that w/ politicians
Because facts trump feelz?
Because the witch would drown, leaving Brett on high ground… And you know what the leftists will do next.
No, no.
he has to lick a red hot spoon.
if his tongue blisters it means he is lying.
Because the Russians hacked the election.
Naw, that's already been done by Teddy Kennedy.
Because of stupid Cons!
Kavanaugh is an emotional vampire
- If Blasey-Ford is telling the truth, she could instantly annihilate Kavanaugh with one, short BRAIN-SCAN LIE DETECTOR session. Of course, if? She's lying, she'd be the laughingstock of the century. And these MRI's are very, very accurate. Why won't she just demand they BOTH take one? I mean, since she isn't lying. .
- How do the people that chased Ted Cruz out of that DC restaurant know Ford is telling the truth? They were yelling "we believe survivors" at Cruz. How do they know she is telling the truth?
- How to know if the mechanic is telling me the truth? My 2002 ford f150's breaks went out. Mechanic says I have to replace both rear rotors, pads and the break cable assembly. According to him the break cables can't be purchases at an auto store only dealership so just for that is 600.00. Total he wants to charge is 1300.00. Thats as much as my mortgage pmt. Can anyone tell me if that is resonable.
- Can you imagine how Americans would react if the German Ambassador in Washington started tweet-ordering around Ford, IBM, etc, telling? Them where they could not do business? That's what our Ambassador is doing to the Germans. And they will react with the contempt this deserves.