Why does it matter if Dr. Ford was telling the truth? Trump won?

Why does it matter if Dr. Ford was telling the truth? Trump won?

It required faith to believe that Ford was telling the truth, since there was no evidence and all her witnesses claimed it never happened.

Truth matters not, Trump won.

Because it is nonsense like that which gives #Igotfeltuptoo strength.

Ms. Ford was not telling the truth.

It doesn't matter to anyone but the un-American communist leftist leaders that tried to hang Kavanaugh.

Yes, it matters if people tell the truth. Winning is not the only thing that matters.

Yes, it matters!
I'm sure that every one told the truth to the best of their ability. Which means that it is subject to the filtering that a human mind does in some thirty years.
What bothers me is that if every person who did something stupid in their late teens and early twenties were removed from serving the public, no one would be qualified.
Secondly if in depth back ground checks are needed to be a member of SOCTUS then every elected official or appointed official should have to under go one too and pay to have the results published prior to election.
In all honesty, I would like to see it be a requirement to run for public office. Maybe there would not be so many crazies in office.

Which means everyone else lost

He won the battle. The war continues. That win is all the more reason to fight the war, actually.