Why does Ford get a congressional hearing AND the left still marches in protest? What are they protesting?
Why does Ford get a congressional hearing AND the left still marches in protest? What are they protesting?
They are protesting the existence of white, heterosexual, Christian males.
Notice they protest for kavanaugh's accusers but not for Ellison's accusers.
Protesting with their panties in a wad is its own reward, just like looting for Dindus with their pants on the ground, or gay pride parades with no pants at all.
They are protesting because Kavanaugh, on the mere accusation of a supposed event that may or may not have happened over 30 decades ago, was not taken out of the building and summarily executed in the street in response.
The fact that conservatives are out of touch with social inequality does not surprise anyone.
It's hard to please the Left. You should already know this.
But you're gonna give some fellow con BA, to reinforce your already preconceived point of view.
I miss the old days when police turned dogs and fire hoses on violent protesters. And hippy scuj got their skulls cracked opened with steel toed boots and stocks of shotguns.
They are exercising the rights that righties criticize kneeling NFL protesters for not appreciation.
"They're protesting because now that Ramirez is in the spotlight, they want Ford's testimony to be delayed indefinitely. So they're screaming about it. ANYTHING to slow down this confirmation.
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