Why do more women than men believe Christian Ford?
Why do more women than men believe Christian Ford?
Men fear that someone can accuse them and be believed even if it is not true (BTW-I believe her)
Source? I'm male and I believe her.
Because the super vast majority of sexual abuse victims are women.
Its what the media portrays
Because there are more women who are Democrats than there are female Republican's.
No clue what that means
Because they get it.
Maybe because they have been in similar situations themselves.
- Wouldn't women like Dr. Ford feel safer when they were drunk if OSHA stopped violent men like those in the NFL from hitting each other? And calling it play. Shouldn't women have that right to feel safe? You can call this "highlight films" but they are just rich men being violent which a civilized government would stop
- Why are there more 70s and 80s chevy trucks than fords around today? I'm not trying to say ones better just a question did chevy make more than ford or something? I see alot of old chevys driving around my area and some fords but i never see dodges at all maybe one or two every once in a wile
- If feminists are so concerned with men treating women badly and raping them, how come they support Islam? In Saudi Arabia, women must wear black polyester in the hot sun all day and must obey their husbands otherwise they can be beaten in public. Except, feminists never say anything about this even though that is 12,000x worse than anything that is happening in the US. How is the President having a private conversation or Christine Ford making up fairytales somehow more important than governments sending women to death for not listening to their husbands?
- How come Sen. Warren had to provide evidence of her past, while Dr. Ford didn't? Aren't we supposed to believe all women no matter what? Isn't physical evidence supposed to be a lower form of proof than a woman's testimony? Couldn't Sen. Warren just have cried a lot in a little-girl voice to prove she's part Native American? It's hilarious that libs can't answer this.