Why did Nixon have to resign when he was acquitted by Ford?

Why did Nixon have to resign when he was acquitted by Ford?

Nixon was pardoned by Ford, not acquitted.

Are you another conservative who was failed by home schooling?

Nixon had to resign in order for Ford to become President and use the President's power to pardon Nixon.

Because Ford couldn't have pardoned Nixon if Ford wasn't President because Nixon still was. Even Nixon didn't think a president should be able to pardon himself.

Start with this - Nixon wasn't acquitted.

Perhaps if you researched before you posted you'd look less foolish. Perhaps.

He knew that if the Senate held the trial, he would be convicted and removed from office.

He chose to resign instead.

Nixon was pardoned by Ford after he already resigned the presidency. Ford couldn't pardon Nixon before he himself became president, obviously.

Nixon didn't have to resign, but he chose to do so in order to avoid being removed from office. After all the revelations from the Watergate investigation the house was preparing impeachment articles against him. A delegation of Republican Senators went to the White House and told Nixon that once the impeachment articles came down that there would be enough Republican votes to remove him from Office. Rather than seen that happen, Nixon decided to resign

Nixon was given a pre-emptive pardon from prosecution after Nixon left office. That is what probably cost Ford the election to Carter.
Carter - See no evil
Ford - Hear no evil
Nixon - Evil

He resigned, and after a few years, Ford pardoned him for his crime. He was never acquitted.

It boggles the mind to see at what point murikkkans are obliviously ignorant of their own history. Let me guess, you are one of those uneducated people that your president clown loves right?