Why did MSM like CNN not report the letter from Christine Blasey-Ford's ex-boyfriend that contradicted her testimony?

Why did MSM like CNN not report the letter from Christine Blasey-Ford's ex-boyfriend that contradicted her testimony?

They only report fake news

The letter does not fit the lying left wing narrative

I think Fox News has the only access to the alleged letter.

It was counter to the narrative they were promoting.

I wish trump had not limited the FBI investigation so much, they did not even interview kavanaugh or ford. It would have made it look a lot less like he was trying to hide something.

His account doesn't actually contradict her testimony. The fact that she never told him is not contradictory.

Is Brett on the Supreme Court? Then why don't you shut the hell up?
Talk about trying to destroy someone.

For the same reason they would not interview any pro-Kavanaugh, but only anti-Kavanaugh people.

The press is nothing more than leftist propaganda.

Actually, I'm curious about this letter, because (forget about CNN) after a big splash it disappeared off of Fox News website… It wasn't followed up by any website but the most rinky-dink. So instead of ranting (about MSM) tell me why it was dropped by Fox…