Why did Kavanaugh let Dr Ford live, knowing that there was always a chance she might say something?

Why did Kavanaugh let Dr Ford live, knowing that there was always a chance she might say something?

He never knew the woman, she's a liar. Where have you been?

More proof conservatives are vile and discusting. Why did he let her live, seriously?

He's a biased angry drunk LoL. America deserves him.

Laughing here. Good question. Maybe because Kavanaugh was only vaguely aware that Ford even existed. According to BOTH of them, they barely knew each other.

Probably never even met her.

He knew that he would always be protected by his elite status as a judge's son and member of a fraternity of brothers that cover for each other. Looks like he made the right call.

He probably didn't remember what he had done.