Why did Ford tell Obama to take his bailout money and cram it up his but?

Why did Ford tell Obama to take his bailout money and cram it up his but?

Because they never said that and Ford didn't need the money

Because the officers of Ford knew that there's no free money. That's is something that General mothers officers have never learned. General Motors sold out to the devil.

They did not want the strings attached, and thought they were in a financial position to weather the storm on their own.

The government earned good interest bailing out the companies. Ford got loans elsewhere at better rates and conditions.

Because prior to the recession, Ford had leveraged its entire holdings for a very large loan, to the tune of some $30-$40B that it used to recapitalize its operations under Alan Mulally. So they were not in need of being bailed out from bankruptcy as GM was.

There were also strings attached that would have given the incompetent and anti-capitalist Obama regime unwanted control and power over how the company was run, and Mulally was smart enough to see it was a bad deal, and only needed by GM and Chrysler who were in the process of going under.

It was surprising that GM got such a highly unusual bankruptcy agreement that screwed over creditors while generously allowing writeoffs from losses prior to the bankruptcy. It turned bankruptcy law on its head.

They were NEVER offered "BAIL OUT MONEY" as Chrysler and GM were… Because of Ford's excellent management, it just didn't need it. Remember? Oh, you forgot? Why did Ford tell Obama to take his bailout money and cram it up his but

Cause he was being rude when he said that, thats why

That should be spelled "Butt".