Why did Ford leave out the fact that she is a professional and has studied in the art of hypnosis specializing in creating false memories?
Why did Ford leave out the fact that she is a professional and has studied in the art of hypnosis specializing in creating false memories?
What is that phrase liberals like to use… "an inconvenient truth".
I suspect that there's quite a bit in Ford's past that Democrats need to keep hidden.
Ok, but does that mean she is trying to hypnotize all of America and create in each of us false memories of Kavanaugh assaulting her? That sounds pretty ridiculous. But it's just as ridiculous that she would be visiting Kavanaugh and try to hypnotize him into thinking he actually did do it.
So what IS the significance of this, as far as the Kavanaugh case goes? Huh?
UPDATE: . I left out an EQUALLY ABSURD THEORY, which is that Christine hypnotized herself into believing this. The absolute implausibility of such a theory is discussed here>>>
She is a joke and a liar
So you're saying that the GOP failed to vett her properly?
Because it's irrelevant. It's also not needed to make a case for Ford being a liar. Did she hypnotize herself so she'd pass a lie detector test? Or what exactly is your point here?
Doesn't matter anyway though, because nothing anybody says will ever convince you that Kavanaugh assaulted her.
Ford could produce a video that shows the assault and Kavanaughs face, and people like you will simply claim the video is fake.
Notice Frankenstein refers to her as "Professor… " while with Kavanaugh its always "hey, dirtbag answer this question".
- If a car causes another car to swerve and spin-out, is it considered hit-and-run if they leave the scene? On the way to work this morning, I saw a Ford truck cut off a smaller car and the poor car spun out in the rain and ended up facing the opposite direction. This caused the traffic to stop because it looked like the vehicle wouldn't start. The ford truck most likely knew he did that but kept going, instead of stopping. He didn't hit the car or any cars at all during the time. If he didn't actually hit anything, is it still considered hit and run? Should he have stopped?
- Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also? Admitted to not being proud of the number of partners she was with. You Democrats seem to be unaware of this or maybe you simply downplay it. This is all political in nature, and you either know that or you are simply stupid! Why do you have Kavanaugh pegged as guilty? Isn't it innocent until proven guilty?
- Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also? - 1 Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also?
- Did you believe dr ford when she said she was doing this out of civic duty? I believe her about the claim of sexual assault but i do not believe she is doing this out of a sense of civic duty or that to her, it wasn't politically motivated. not that i blame her really, could you imagine if she had done this during the clinton presidency era? It would have been laughed at and dismissed out of hand