Why did Diane Feinstein betray Christy Ford's trust?
Feinstein is a heartless biitch
I think Feinstein released the letter for the good of the country.
How can someone be betrayed if they don't even understand the meaning of loyalty
Better question is why would she write that letter in the first place. Supposedly she is an educated woman who would know that something as explosive as that letter could not remain confidential. The whole thing just makes no sense at all.
Liberals are like that
Cause she is black
Who cares about Ford if we can get something to derail the Kavenaugh confirmation
Sounds like you'll say anything to throw acid on the victim.
They're in this together, C'mon now. Ford knew exactly when she was going to leak it. From the inception of the allegations to how far they'll take it, Ford and the Dems have been communicating this whole time.
Like a Hollywood interpretation of Super Man for the greater good in the last moment for Liberal ideals which would be to crush and destroy their evil opposition with the help of Clark Kent at the Daily "New York Times" Planet.
She was legally bound to turn over the info on Ford to the FBI
Wow reason number 32 million to boycott ford. This is okay with the ford company? I guess if you're communist and want to enslave people this fits right up your ally. Guilty as charged no evidence needed, what about the four witnesses? Oh they said Ford was a lair. Ford you globalist PRICKS
- Why did Dianne Feinstein wait for September to refer the Christine Blasey Ford letter to the FBI and not in July? Why didn't she bring this up to Brett Kavanaugh when she personally interviewed him? Why wasn't it part of the record 1,137 questions given to him answer? Why wasn't it brought up in the initial hearings? The letter was given to only 2 people who she asked to keep her anonymous but it was leaked anyways. So who was it that was disrespectful to her wishes?
- Why did Christy Ford lie about her experience with polygraphs during her Senate testimony? She coached people on how to manipulate their polygraph results Public statement from one of her former students After an interview with the FBI
- Since the Chinese had infiltrated Sen. Diane Feinstein so thoroughly, do you think they leaked Dr. Ford's letter to the press? Dr. Ford's letter to Sen. Feinstein with her flimsy accusations about Judge Kavanaugh were leaked to the press - but by whom? The Chinese might have done it to cause chaos in American politics, like the Russians did during the election. Explain the Chinese spy, Sen. Feinstein https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/explain-the-chinese-spy-sen-feinstein/2018/08/09/0560ca60-9bfd-11e8-b60b-1c897f17e185_story.html
- Isn't it priceless that none other than Diane Feinstein herself will be responsible for the confirmation of JUSTICE BRETT KAVANAUGH? I guess sitting on Christine Ford's silly little story until the 11th hour turned out to be a GREAT BIG FAIL!