Why couldn't Christine Ford really cry like a real victim would when testifying?
Why couldn't Christine Ford really cry like a real victim would when testifying?
I'd say kavanaugh will withdraw 5 minutes before the FBI investigation starts.
Her voice cracked a few times.
I hate to be the one who tells you this, you being an adult and all.
I realize you watch a lot of tv, but this doesn't actually prepare you for judging real world emotions, as it is simulated reality.
Over a "recalled" false memory that was crafted during a therapy session while she was experiencing TDS? Not likely. A friend of mine had a crazy-ex who imagined her mom had a one-night stand with Pablo Picasso and she was the result. She built the story up in her mind for years and now calls herself "Picasso" to fuel the delusion. The democrats have give Ford a platform for attention getting and she is milking it for her 15 minutes.
Like Brettford? He knows his law career is over so now he's going into acting.
At least she didn't spend her time singing Tom T. Hall's "I Like Beer".
Are you just pretending to be stupid, or…
Unlike Kavanaugh, she's mature, poised and composed.
- Why don't the GOP want Mark Judge testifying? It would seem like a no brainier to me. Ford says he was there, all he has to do is stand up and say it never happened under oath and it's a home run for them.
- Why doesn't Ford just identify as not an assault victim and move on, just like when you identify as a different gender? After all, if a man can "identify" as a woman despite the actual physical evidence he sees in the mirror every day, it should be a snap to "identify" past something that has no evidence. Stop dodging the question libs - the mechanism you claim allows you to be a different gender despite your years in your physical body should be powerful enough to change your perspective on one moment of your life… Or is the whole thing a fraud?
- Do some people really care that much about driving a really nice car? My dad is perfectly okay with his 1992 Ford Taurus with 210,000 miles on it, no heat (he lives in Chicago btw), no A/C, and a f::::ked up passenger side door. He's not poor by any means, he's a CFO of a bank. He just says that driving that P. Builds character and he only cares about having a car that can take him from point A to point B.
- 2000 ford taurus, is really hard to start, when it does start it idles really rough? 2000 ford taurus, is really hard to start, when it does start it idles really rough until completely warm, we replaced 4 coils and at first it helped but has returned just as bad.