Why can't Ford remember what year it was and where she was when Kavanaugh supposedly assaulted her?

Why should we take her word for it when she is so unsure and even she claims she wasn't harmed?

Even if we take this story at face value, she remembers so little that the odds are better than not she has the wrong person.

And at this point it's two to one. Both people she named are saying it didn't happen.

Kavanaugh needs to answer the questions. If he didn't do it then prove it and have her arrested. But he won't try that one because he knows she's not lying. He can't even get Mark Judge to lie for him.

HI So what about a nobody wanting to be famous. Because a lot of these claims do seem to be of this type.

Why are you so scared? If she's so transparently lying, as you seem to be implying, then you have nothing to worry about.

Credible allegations of sexual assault deserve to be investigated. You're making this more complicated than necessary.

Personally, I think this is simply a leftist stalling tactic. However, Here's is the answer to your question:

1- It not unreasonable to be unsure of the exact year this supposed assault took place
2- Where it happened? I can think of a few dramatic events that occurred in my life. I KNOW WHERE THEY HAPPENED. WHY WOULDN'T I?

Because the Socialist Democrats will do ANYTHING to disrupt and delay the Republicans plans to Make America Great Again! This is just one more proof of how desperate the liberal Left has become. The will stoop to ANY despicable tactic to remain relevant in today's society.

Liberal college professors are lucky to remember where they parked their unicorns.