Why can't america be like this?

I want everyone in America to be like this and nobody should be otherwise:

I want there to be only White Protestant Conservative middle class families in America with no less than 2 kids, and they should live in a 2 story house in the suburbs (nobody should live IN the city)

They should be devout Protestant Christians and go to church every Sunday. They should love going to church and reading the Bible. They are Trump supporting conservatives and they condemn sexual immorality, LGBT, and secularism/atheism. They should think of Ronald Reagan and George W Bush as American heroes and hate Obama with a burning passion. They should watch FOX news and hate FAKE news.

The husband should be tall and clean cut and shaved with short hair. He shouldn't wear makeup and uses only men's deodorant and shampoo. He works in an office building downtown and he DRIVES there to work from Monday-Friday 9-5. He hangs out with his friends from time to time but spends time with his family more. He drives an SUV or Pickup Truck that has a lift kit and is either made by Ford or Chevy. He likes country and Christian music and like Hunting and Football and hates Hippies, Hip hop, and Soccer.

The wife should be a homemaker and not have a job (the husband provides) and like cooking and raising kids. She drives a smaller SUV or a minivan that made by Honda, Toyota, or Lexus and is either blue, green, or brown. (more in updates)

Added (1). She drives the kids to school and softball practice and takes them to Cici's pizza. She also brings friends over sometimes and does wine and paint.

The husband drinks only beer and the wife drinks only wine.

The kids listen to their parents and do everything they say and are on their best behavior (SPANKED if otherwise). They love being Christians. They play outside and do sports and not phone, social media or video games. The kids love their parents so much

The family supports the troops.


America is a land of white supremacy

So you like it when the world is boring then do you?

Don't care what you want

You want to live in Stepford? Too bad. Stepford is a fictional town.

The only nation that has everyone believing the same thing and acting the same way is North Korea. You're basically describing a different kind of North Korea.

Because most people live in the world of reality and not in your racist, bizarre cyborg-like Stepford Wives fantasy.

You are describing Saudi Arabia and not America.
Sorry, you don't make the rules for Americans. We've made our own: Why can t america be like this

That sounds like a 50's TV show. Real life is more interesting. It would be boring if everyone were the same.

So we all need to be one of two leftwing stereotypes of Protestant Christians.

As the good book says, go to hell.

That would really be boring