Why are you cons still sending Ford death threats? Isn't winning enough?

Why are you cons still sending Ford death threats? Isn't winning enough?

They themselves will shortly receive what they have wished for her.

Tell your team to stop sending death threats to Senator Susan Collins and the Kavanaugh family. Don't you realize it's over?

She needs to be investigated and charged with perjury and Finklestein and the rest for conspiracy.

Cons hate women.

Conservatives what to annihilate anyone who opposes them as a way to silence those who disagree with them

Hey the dems where the ones who first opened pandoras box… Deal with it… Oh and wait till you dems try or do elect a dem president… It will be trump bashing/ repubican hating all over again… But for you democreeps

Apparently no different than the losers. No interest in context?