Why are the Republican Senators suggesting they get a woman lawyer to ask all the questions of Dr. Ford?
Why are the Republican Senators suggesting they get a woman lawyer to ask all the questions of Dr. Ford?
Democrats have spent most of this week complaining about how wrong it would be for a bunch of old white men to question her.
now democrats don't want any women present?
this is just getting too crazy.
Libs said they don't want a white man questioning her. So now they called their bluff and made the libs look like fools
Go review the videos of Anita Hill being questioned. You don't think women across the country, no matter how conservative, would be offended at the image of 11 old white men interrogating a woman? It was horrifying what they did to Anita Hill. And even more horrifying that this many years later, a woman who comes forward is still subjected to insults, slurs on her reputation, and actual death threats.
I nominate Judge Jeanine Pirro.
Well… Both sides were talking about picking one. A matter of fact lawyer would be quick and to the point and it wouldn't be a circus.
But she says she only wants to be questioned by the committee. That's probably a mistake on her part.
- Why Doesn't Trump Just Ask The NSA For All Of Fords Emails? They have them just like they have all of ours. He will know right away whether she is lying or not just by that.
- Why does Christy Ford's lawyer want Kavanaugh to testify first if they won't release any information to defend himself against? That makes no sense. The accused should be given the opportunity to face their accuser AFTER their accuser has testified. The way it stands now he would not be given the opportunity to counter anything she says.
- Why are Republican senators such cowards? They're calling in a woman to question Dr. Blasey Ford when it's their job to question her. That has never happened before in the history of our country.
- Party of women took a woman who wanted annonymity and outed her, now her life is ruined. All fine if they get their political wish? Pretending they give a flying fug about Christine Ford is a level of hypocrisy that is unmatched in modern history. Its 100 percent polictics and too f'ing bad for her.