Who else thinks it's hilarious Trump is taunting and mocking Christine Ford with fake crying?

Who else thinks it's hilarious Trump is taunting and mocking Christine Ford with fake crying?

Conservatives have a history of mocking and ridiculing victims of sexual assault. That's why the Blue Wave is so strong!

Lovin every minute of it.

? Love it!

Love it. We elected President Trump not to be politically correct. Now, the question remains: how long until charges are filed against Ford? Ford needs to be punished severely for this stunt.

Mean-spirited people with no compassion, no integrity and run by hypocrisy are ruining our country, starting with the orange man. You can join him, cheer him on, be as big an azzhole as he is, and guess what? You will lead an angry, scared, miserable little life.

Or you can choose to be a better person. Up to you.

Other imbeciles probably think it's hilarious

Such behavior may be acceptable for a reality TV host. But not for a president of the United States.

Nobody, unless you are a Republican who thinks sexual assaults are funny.

Just wait for the liberals to see this lmao

Only his mindless lap dogs.