Who else sees Christine Blasey-Ford as simply a weapon of the DNC and not an individual who might be a victim of something? We all KNEW the?
DNC would do something absolutely drastic to block another Trump nomination to the supreme court. We just didn't know what.
We all knew it would come at the last second and that is exactly when this weapon/tool appeared.
I never could view her as a human being.
She is now very wealthy with undoubtable book & movie as well as speaking engagements.
She is a household name.
She's the recipient of endless sympathy and greeted with tearful adoration for life.
Added (1)..
FOX NEWS? Haha. I do not have cable. Seriously, for those capable of reading, why would they need a cable news network spoon-feeding them?
She's probably loving it and getting her book deal.
Her testimony was a leftist/feminist wet dream - the chance to take down a white male conservative with nothing but her fake tears and little-girl voice. Ford's Palo Alto you. Is basically an SJW factory producing leftist women for just such a purpose.
To Understand Christine Blasey Ford, Take a look at Palo Alto University
Video by Dr. Janice Fiamengo of the University of Ottawa - shows how Ford is a product of feminist victimhood ideology.
Thanks for spouting the Fox News talking points just about perfectly.
Polly want a cracker?
She revels in public attention. The whole thing was an act brought about by her own mental instability.
She wanted to be a crusader whilst condemning BK out of vindictiveness. Hopefully she will crawl back under her rock.
You must be a liberal excusing people wrong doing.
If she as dumb as you say (not your exact wording) she has no business teaching others
She was a weapon of trump. He is a master of distraction. He had her make up those assault allegations to distract us from kavanaughs perjury to congress. By the end everybody was focusing on the sex and everybody forgot he lied to congress.
She was a weapon, I did believe that something happened to her, she was/is textbook, but that also crosses over to her degree, so is she just a decent actress or did something really happen to her. Some of the things that are coming out now from her supposed friends that she has had as an adult. Are really starting to tip it towards she was a weapon, planned from the get g by the DNC, to destroy a mans reputation. It really is quite sick and if the story is kept alive and people continue to come forward or people continue to dig. The Dems are going to be in a world of hurt. Of course they won't believe, will try to pass it off as a smear, but those on the fence are already leaning towards the left, planned this all out.
- Why doesn't Ford just identify as not an assault victim and move on, just like when you identify as a different gender? After all, if a man can "identify" as a woman despite the actual physical evidence he sees in the mirror every day, it should be a snap to "identify" past something that has no evidence. Stop dodging the question libs - the mechanism you claim allows you to be a different gender despite your years in your physical body should be powerful enough to change your perspective on one moment of your life… Or is the whole thing a fraud?
- Now the thing everybody knew since the beginning has been proven (Christine Ford is a liar) should we believe any woman from here on? Hmm… You know what, i see most women as a potential false accuser now. Gotta sleep with one eye open, gentlemen.
- I simply can't see these political posers - Blasey-Ford and now Ramirez - as assault victims the way I do actual assault victims. How? Can anyone not see this for what it is? A desperate political party with no scruples staging an all-out, childish smear campaign. The impact of crying wolf will backfire on them this Friday and in November. But FAR WORSE is the impact it will have on the actual victims of sexual assault. Are they happy?
- How to give an idea for something to like Chevy or ford or something? I have an idea that I know would make a lot of money for them but I want to tell them, not anyone else about it, and should I try and patent it first?