Who else longs for the 1950's?

Who else longs for the 1950's? - 1

Added (1). Elvis, Chuck, Nelson. Ike was in power, Republicans, Superman, Gray suits. People spoke English, French was the second language. People knew their place to be seen and not heard. Chevy, Ford, V-8, Rock n' Roll. The good old days!

Added (2). Timex, Rock Hudson, Dean, Liz Taylor, Heston.

Added (3). Yankees, Mantle, Yogi, Dodgers 1955, old New York.

Yes. I'd love to relive those days.again

Your fellow Ku Klux Klan members and mental-asylum inmates.

I was only a twinkle in the 50's. I have a friend who misses them. I don't long for the past, I just hope for the future.

The birth pill or other protection for the parents of the baby boomers who have destroyed the country

donald trump, who still relieves that era

But if you live in the '50s, then you have to live through all those wars, again.

The 50's contained the day that music died. I quite liked Buddy.

By all accounts a grey, boring decade, or is there something amazing, that I have missed?

I was in the Royal Horse Artillery in the 50s


I long for the 1980's.