Who among you can say that Brett Kavanaugh did not lie under oath?
He said he was of age to drink at the time, the age was changed to 21.
He said he learned of the Ramirez allegations in the New Yorker, there are text messages relaying that he tried to kill the story before it was published.
He said he never attended a gathering like the one Ford described, his calendar is filled with them.
He said he was a virgin yet we have a hand written note to his bros about getting tail at Beach Week.
Added (1). Moved twice already. Did I touch a nerve? Why not answer and prove me wrong instead of hiding my question?
Added (2). Moved Seven Times.
He lied. End of story.
He did but no one is going to hold him accountable.
Any college kid who says they waited until they were 21 to drink is a liar no matter what they're accused of, not accused of, or whatever political party the belong to… College kids drink. Him trying to say he didn't until he was 21 is hilarious.
Conservatives don't care if Kavanaugh lied or not, they just want his nomination rammed through so they can outlaw Roe vs Wade
TWO THINGS: Verbatim and IN CONTEXT. I'd have to see each claim you made spelled out, verbatim and in context to determine whether the statement qualifies as a lie.
Saying he got some "tail"? Seriously? Every guy brags about so much as a slow dance or holding hands when they're teens.
I'd need to see video or text of the exchange regarding Ramirez beginning a couple of statements before until the last word on the matter.
Y'know what? This is why there are judges and then there are jump-to-conclusions people like you.
They realize what's on the line.
For instance, Roy More. Did he disobey laws by putting the Ten Commandments sculpture on govt property? He disobeyed a judge's order which, in that case, was the law. His argument -- that it wasn't a religious symbol -- did not apply because that matter would need to be heard by a higher court, likely the supreme court.
The little people like you and I can say that because the matters have already been adjudicated. What you're doing is judging for the nation. I need more details.
Moved because you keep posting in the wrong section.Hardly a question suitable about COMPUTERS and INTERNET!
Do try and post your questions in the correct forum please.
- Why doesn't a prosecutor charge Kavanaugh and Ford with perjury, because one lied under oath? Then after their lawyers call witnesses and each pleads their case, let a court of law with a jury of peers decide which has committed perjury? Then the FBI could do a investigation, real, thorough and unlimited and they could each take a lie detector test from a same unbiased testing source
- Did Brett Kavanaugh just corroborated things Blase-Ford could not have known years ago or even months ago? 1. That Kavanaugh was drunk since Kavanaugh admitted he drank beer and liked beer when he was a teenager 2. That Kavanaugh was at a party with girls on weekends, since he admitted that he was partying on weekends with girls.
- Brett Kavavaugh,. Can YOU say he was exonerated or found completely innocent in the absence of a FULL & complete investigation? Interviewing ALL including Kavanaugh and Dr Ford. The committee FAILED to interview the ONLY witness who is a CO=PERPETRATOR,. Mark judge