When the left says that the FBI talked to no witnesses to can corroborate Ford's story, is that because there are none?
Nice slight of hand by the Democrats to mislead, but not flat-out lie?
Kavanaugh will fail.
Debra Ramirez alone gave the FBI 20 people who would back up her claim and none of those were ever interviewed.
To call what the FBI did an 'investigation' is laughable.
So, even after FBI people like Comey, Strzok, Page, and McCabe were revealed to be working against Trump, suddenly NOW the FBI is a tool of the Republican 'deep state'.
No. Trump didn't allow them to talk to them. The FBI investigation was the slight of hand… Just a coverup (fault of the crooked Republican in the White House and the crooked Republicans in the Senate, not the FBI).
Several pepople who knew Kavanaugh in his youth and could corroborate much of what has been said about him where intentionally ignored by the FBI.
Donald Trump ordered this "investigation" and made certain that it would not find what it was allegedly looking for. Lists of corroborating witnesses were provided to the FBI, but ignored.
Has the FBI questioned her parents?
What about whomever was at the country club that she sought safety at?
Brown eyes
Right wing distortion of the facts!
Democrats are saying it was a flawed investigation into Kavanaugh's background!
Republicans are basically saying a Supreme Court nominee lying to the Senate* is a good characteristic! Which is what makes the investigation flawed since it didn't investigate how honest all his statements were!
* The Senate in this is supposed to represent the American citizens! Which means this Republican Senate approves Republicans lying to the American people!
- Typical lib thinking? Ford had no idea when it happened, had no idea how she got there, no idea how she left, clueless who was there? And despite that every person she listed as a witness made a statement in a sense said Ford was wrong… The lib brain… Get even at Trump…> yep - Kavanaugh did it.
- Should the FBI be investigating Dr. Ford? We can easily see Dr. Ford has changed her story, gave her story to the Media instead of? Standing tall and testifying, refuses to be investigated, deleted her social media account history and emails and has all the earmarks of a Leftist that Hates Trump enough to distort the facts or lie. The FBI has investigated Kavanaugh 6 times, why not Dr. Ford?
- Is it odd how none of the Kavanaugh witnesses have denied what has happened? People either corroborate Dr. Ford's story or give us this song and dance about how they "don't know Mr. Kavanaugh and don't recall" enough for them to give uncomfortable testimony.
- Christine Blasey Ford says. She has no idea where, when ( not even a year ) but says her witnesses will back her up, now those 4 say? Sorry, Don't know here, never met her. Since grandstanding liberal politicians couldn't wait to get in front of the mic and say she's telling the truth and they believe her, will they now do the same to the witnesses she named who say "nope, never met her"?