When I hear politicians and actors saying they believe Ford, what exactly are they basing this belief on?
When I hear politicians and actors saying they believe Ford, what exactly are they basing this belief on?
Added (1). I actually haven't said Kavanaugh was innocent. He could very well be guilty. However I treat the allegation as a possibility while democrats treat is as a certainty.
Their hatred of Trump.
Same thing the conservatives who claim to believe Kavanaugh based themselves on.
There's no emergency to get the nomination through, except that conservatives know it's going to be much more difficult to get their way after November.
Feel stupid forcing Kennedy out, now?
What is your basis in belief, believing Kavanaugh never toucher her? Were you there?
This is between her and him and everyone else's OPINION on the matter isn't Worth SPIT.
they will both testify… And we'll see whose story changes first.
The behavior of a typical drunk, teenage boy.
Faith. The American people are indoctrinated with religion from birth and so they grow up believing that belief in the absence of evidence is a good thing.
No one knows whether the allegations are true or false. They're going on gut feeling. However, so are the conservatives who are claiming that the accusation is bogus, false. THEY don't know either. No one who wasn't there knows for certain.
I will say that the circumstantial evidence is beginning to mount up. (Contrary to popular belief, circumstantial evidence is often stronger evidence than eyewitness testimony, since eyewitnesses can have faulty recollection.) However, again, this is a he said/she said situation taking place decades later, and I doubt seriously that what actually happened will ever be determined.
Conformation bias, and nothing else.
What is there to believe? Ford isn't sure what happened; when it happened; where it happened; who was there; or whether anything happened at all. Her allegation is extremely vague yet she wants an FBI investigation! Which the FBI promptly laughed off. The obvious purpose of the allegation is to stall a confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice. The rest of us should laugh it off as well.
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- My overall impression of the Kavanaugh hearing was politicians on both sides making candidate speeches for re-election and attempting to? Sound sympathetic and outraged for various reasons. It was phony, sounded like lectures, and fake concern for either Kavanaugh or Ford. Just speeches. What say you?
- Left liberal grandstanding liberal politicians said they believe her based on nothing but her mere words, I wonder? If they'll give the same courtesy telling the public they believe Ford's declared witnesses? Who all said they don't even know Ford.