When does the Slander case of US vs Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick begin?

Will they ever be held accountable for their lies?

Never since they didn't lie and a slander case would expose that fact. Kavanaugh would have to go under oath again and ask many dozens of questions about his drinking in high school and college and they don't let you just talk about how you graduated first in your class until time runs out. They wait however long it takes for you to actually answer.

We're still waiting on the Clinton prosecution
So get in line and take a Number.

Only Kavanaugh lied. Grow up.

Right after you can prove their claims to be lies. Not just cast doubt, but actually prove they willfully lied. Its a much tougher premise to prove. And then you must prove how you were damaged to prove your claim.

She was seen as not credible, not lying.

Identifying the comments of three women as lies as a result of an investigation where key players were not allowed to be interviewed is ridiculous. It broadcast to the world how deeply privileged and misigonist Republicans have become. THREE WOMEN MADE SIMILAR ACCUSATIONS AND BLOWING OFF ALL WOMEN AS LIARS IS DISPICABLE.