What will take you to buy a all electric car. What minimum range would you like?

I'm looking at the Detroit car show and gm and ford are really pushing electric and self driving cars.
I'm wondering how most people will pay for one of these cars.

I would have to be very desperate

300+ miles, <1hr charge time, or quick change battery pack and < $35,000 usd

500 mile range and able to recharge in the time it takes to fill my car with gas. That's what it would take for me.

I live in the mountains. An electric car, as currently offered, is unsuitable for both the terrain and the climate here. On top of that there are NO charging facilities for electric cars.

As for self driving vehicles, the road I travel has drop offs on one side that are 400-500 feet down into a river; and 6-7 months of the year this road is covered with ice ------------- NO Thanks!

One would pay for an electric car the same way as one does for a normal fuel based car.
GM and Ford are developing electric cars because the Federal Government is pushing them to build cars that reduce our dependency on carbon based fuels like gasoline or diesel.
The PROBLEM is that they still need to use carbon based fuels to generate the electricity used to power such vehicles. Current technology like solar and wind turbines can't generate nearly enough power to recharge all the batteries needed to replace everyone's gasoline powered car with electric, so we're just moving the pollution from one location to another.

I wouldn't pay two cents for either of them. As yet, there's no such thing as a "self-driving" car. An electric car still has to have a gasoline-powered engine, so that you can switch to gasoline mode if the "charge" in an electrical-powered car runs out of "juice".
An all-electric car will run for about 100 miles on a full charge, and re-charging stations are few and far between. When the charge runs out, if the car doesn't also have a gasoline-powered engine in it, you come to a complete halt - maybe out in the middle of nowhere.

The first elecyric cars were made 110 years ago, their range was about 100 miles. New electric cars range 100 miles, what has changed? When I can buy an electric car that can go 1200 ks per charge I still wouldnt buy one. No electric car can replicate that powerful smooth V12 under my hood

Would have to be fast

A foot and half of ground clearance 4 wheel drive thats capable of achieving low lock like my land cruiser 1400 mile range