What's the best diesel engine to put in a 1977 ford 3/4 t pk to replace a 400 ci
What's the best diesel engine to put in a 1977 ford 3/4 t pk to replace a 400 ci
A small caterpillar would be best.
Scooter may not know that Cat doesn't make "small" engines. The smallest thing I've seen by them was their 7liter RV engine which they quit producing several years ago. All they make today are industrial equipment engines. Considering that you'll have to find a transmission that will work with whatever you get I'd say Cummins as that's the most common one. They're used in Ram's and in many RV's so transmissions are readily available also. Hope you have sme one who's skilled at rigging and fitting as it's going to take quite a bit to fabricate the mounting, for what ever you decide on, in that truck.
So I guess you're going to replace the entire exhaust system, fuel system, cooling system, add the wiring harness, turbo and intercooler, etc, etc.
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- I need to put a different engine in my 1982 Ford Ranger Lariat and I don't know what to put in it? It's the biggest engine you could get at the time in those trucks, so it is a v8, I just don't know the exact size. Since the engine is pretty much dead that's in it I was wondering if almost any v8 could go in it's place or if it has any specific engine that has to go it in. Also any good suggestion for a good engine would be great.
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- Do 164 tooth flex plates interchange between 1977 351 Windsor and 400 Ford engines? I know the bolt patterns are the same and balance weghts changed on the 302 in 1981 to 50 oz from the 28.2 and that both Windsor and Clevelands used the 28.2 oz. What I want to know is are the dimensions the same from the flange surface of the crankshaft mount to the bolt mount for the torque converter and is the balance weight located in the same place on the flex plate relative to the bolt pattern.