What's more likely - Dr Ford remembering her assault correctly or teenage Brett Kavanaugh using a calendar and holding on to it for 36 years?

What's more likely - Dr Ford remembering her assault correctly or teenage Brett Kavanaugh using a calendar and holding on to it for 36 years?

He does seem like a very organized guy. He probably started using a calendar to keep track of his busy productive life since he was 10 years old all properly filed.

First, if it had happened, it would not have come out at exactly the instant we were about to confirm a new justice. This is smear and fudgery.

Also, IF it had happened, Kavanaugh and all she claimed were present, would have some recollection of it.

None of the four do.

I imagine it's hard to forget a man wrestling you down and trying to remove your clothes. But then again I have common sense.

I had to wonder about that calendar thing. That's a pretty organised teenager that probably had no friends to have the time to do that. I'm having a hard time with that one, but I wasn't having an easy time buying Dr. Ford's memory.

Since you aren't prepared to accept anything that suggests his innocence, it's a complete waste of time to give you an answer to your "question".

The calendar thing, since you forgot to mention that Ford did nothing about this alleged assault for 36 years.