What makes whites so superior to other darker races?

It was the White Race who produced men like Columbus who crossed the unknown Atlantic; men like Magellan who first circumnavigated the globe; men like Michaelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Velazquez, Bernini, Rubens, Raphael and thousands of other geniuses who created beautiful and exquisite productions in the fields of sculpture and painting; geniuses like Beethoven, Bach, Wagner and Verdi who created beautiful music; men like James Watt who invented the steam engine; men like Daimler who invented and built the reciprocating internal combustion engine; production geniuses like Henry Ford, inventors like Thomas Edison; such a prodigal genius as Nikola Tesla in the field of physics and electricity; literary geniuses like Shakespeare, Goethe and thousands of others, untold geniuses in the fields of mathematics, in the fields of chemistry and physics.

The brilliant accomplishments of the White Race are endless and rapidly expanding even as this is being written. All one has to do is leaf through the pages of an encyclopedia to appreciate the magnificent legacy of achievements wrought by the White Race through the centuries.

What other race can even come close to this remarkable record of creativity, achievement and productivity? The black man of Africa and Indian Brown never so much as even invented the wheel.

Why is this question on marriage and divorce? Is this you KAYLA?

I don't know about superiority but whites have always been preferred and most desired for many cases. You can thank the media for this.

That's because we westerners don't appreciate the art of other areas of the globe. And, no, I'm not about to list them, but how about the Taj Mahal and Hagia Sofia for starters?

We conquered most of the world. Our culture dominantes the world. We invented television film cars planes trains satellites computers telephones cellphones light bulbs ect. We look better than other races. We landed on the moon and sent satellites to other planets.

The climate they were raised in.

Only in your dreams sir, only in your dreams.

"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. Most people listen with the intent to reply. Ask yourself if you're truly listening to others or if you're being distracted by your own chatter. Sometimes, listening means staying silent to give others a chance to talk, soaking it in, then perhaps responding if your response is needed." Stephen R. Covey

You are demonstrating a very bias education. Perhaps you should educate yourself a bit more.

When West was in Dark age, Ancient Indians and Egyptians were very well in maths, medical science and architecture, Ancient Indian civilization mentioned Airship and position of heavily bodies in space quite well, when western think Earth is flat and sun is magical boy. But time change entire story, whoever is rich will be poor and whoever is poor will be rich, The cycle which never end