What innovation allowed Henry Ford to make cars available to Americans for a lower cost?

What innovation allowed Henry Ford to make cars available to Americans for a lower cost? - 1

Mass production/ assembly line

Moving Production Line - Ford could knock out a Model T car in just over 90 minutes with each step taking a couple of minutes. The process relied on the science of time-and-motion which was applied to every step.

The assembly line and the standardization of parts. Before his car factory came online, cars were made one-at-a time, and the machined parts were not exact fits - A machinist would have to massage each part to fit. So only a very skilled worker could do the job.

Mass production

Mass production.
Each worker just doing a small bit.

Assembly lines and interchangeable parts.

He used an old method of working called production line and apple sit to modern complex vehicles construction. Result being the moving assembly line.
this worked by removing skills and work on each car by a group of men to build and replacing it with just one or two simple work steps that needed no skills and minimal if any training.
the result of applying the old fashion idea and using it in a factory work so well.costs tumbled. Work processes being simplified allowed very fast assembly operations.
faster turnover and turn out of complete assemblies such as wheels. Engines. Gearboxes. With reduced costs ( more made in less time = cost savings ) then each unit was again assembled rapidly on assembly line so whole process form start to finish was to enable very rapid progress of parts along a moving conveyor system. Output increased so much with the improved method versus static 'teams ' of men. That he was able to not only make good profits but reduce costs of a car. He was able to twice reduce costs of cars ( against advise)
his only weak area was not listening to customers ( a fault Land rover followed and BLMC in later years) so only colour offered was 'black' and NO accessories from factory.( hundreds available from motor factors all making money Ford was ignoring huge market)
nevertheless. H Ford did do as he wished at outset and that was to give common man a set of wheels. He is credited in fact with putting the world on wheels as such was the impact he made.

The assembly line