What exactly have we learned from democratic questions to Dr Ford that gives us a better understanding of Kavanaugh?

What exactly have we learned from democratic questions to Dr Ford that gives us a better understanding of Kavanaugh?

Kavanaugh didn't do it. Two men have confessed to the crime.

That the DNC is the enemy of the American people.

I like to come up with a scenario that I think fits the facts. What if Ford was pulling a train (that would explain why she was laying down) then Brett (the virgin) gets his turn and jumps on her and covers her mouth thinking she might resist (that would explain why Ford said she was afraid he was going to kill her.)

She doesn't like them

Nothing except he is smart to stay away from this psycho Dr. Ford who is a little unstable and insane. She can't keep her story straight and since she seems to have forgotten her own script.

We learned that Democratic senators are not worried about brown staining themselves. LOL

Kavanaugh hasn't aged well. He's all poofy and straw haired. If it wasn't for being married, he would have to go creeping on girls again.

It really has no bearing on his Character at all