What do you think the odds are that Christine Ford is actually going to testify on Thursday and not back out?

What do you think the odds are that Christine Ford is actually going to testify on Thursday and not back out?

Slim to none

and if she does, it will be a canned rehearsed keyword filled hit piece

She won't risk perjury.
Her lawyers will just keep demanding unreasonable conditions to delay the vote on Kavanaugh until after the midterms.

Slim. Once she officially goes on record with her phony allegations, she can be sued for liable…

Very, very low that she will appear at all. Realize she can't afford to testify under oath.

Slim to none, and slim just left town

She promised to be there on her Go Fund Me pages ($467,000 so far!). If she breaks that she'll be one rich disgraced witch.

I'd say she has an 80 percent chance of testifying.

She lie and be locked up in prizon

I give it an 85% chance that she testifies.