What do you think of my pro Kavanaugh protest chant?
Dr. Ford is a lying Ho
Hey, Hey, Yo, Yo
Lifetime appointment here we go!
Take out the first two lines.
A troll if there ever was one.
I hope you have daughters that meet guys exactly like that elitist, entitled prep school douche. You probably won't believe them either.
It's quite good - if you're two.
Very nice but don't quit your day job just yet and please tell your mommy that you pooped your diaper.
- Why won't Caucasian white women protest for Eric Garner, Ezell Ford and Michael Brown? I heard black men say white women love them but are any white women protesting for these men killers to be brought to justice?
- What do you think about the Brett Kavanaugh situation? I believe in "innocent until proven guilty." I believe a lot of holes have been poked in Dr. Ford's story. Republicans know the FBI won't waste time on decades-old claims. Dianne Feinstein should've turned that letter over to the fbi when she got it.
- Do you think trump is right? The Kavanaugh attack on ms. Ford wasn't As bad as she said it was? https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1043126336473055235?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-27909209561040765479.ampproject.net%2F1809142227020%2Fframe.html
- Do you think there's a possibility that Kavanaugh couldn't get it up for Ford and now she is getting her revenge? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned He could've been too drunk to remember the entire incident.