What do you make of Ford's ex fiancé pointing out her many lies she gave under oath?

What do you make of Ford's ex fiancé pointing out her many lies she gave under oath?

Oh another fox fake report.

I'm hoping he digs up some photos of him and Ford in the single-engine plane they used to fly around in, because that would be hilarious.

Are democrats genuinely this retarded? That's my only question related to this.

I think he is credible. I have no idea why he would know that Ford's roommate had to go through polygraph exams.

No idea

I have not heard about that. I have heard about many of Kavanaugh's friends, including his freshman roommate, talking about how he lied under oath. How would Ford's fiance know about something that happened to her in high school?

It's a beautiful thing man.

If the split was acrimonious they would say anything for the right money.

Like a reality show huh, people love those shows as long as the camera isn't pointed on them and their lives