What did Ford survive?

Being cornered and groped by a teenage boy at a party isn't exactly life-threatening.

That's not what she said. Go read the testimony again.
Or if you've already pre-decided that the whole story is false, then why ask the question?

When someone presses their hand over your mouth, it cuts off the ability to breathe.

Being a victim of an assault often leads to all sorts of problems dealing with the world in general. She went on to have a career and family.

Most women get felt up when they don't want to be and do not melt down.

I think Ford is lying because she is part of the resistance and wants to stop Trump.

She was assaulted by Kavanaugh. Tons of evidence to back it up.

Under Florida's Stand Your Ground Laws one person can legally shoot another person to death if they FEEL that their life is in danger
If Maryland had a similar SYG Law she could have shot him to death

So far she has survived perjury, she isn't in jail yet and she should be.

The word "survive", like "hero" is being misused by a lot of people now. You could say that a person who undergoes a traumatic crisis is a survivor but that is stretching the definition in my book.

She "survived" Kavanaugh,"maybe" being in the other room.

What a skumbag, huh?