Was the liberal strategy pretty obvious when they ran around accusing republican pols of attacking Ford, and nobody had done any such thing?
There was zero footage. Zero quotes. It NEVER HAPPENED.
In the minds of leftists, not agreeing with them is considered an attack.
Judge needs to be called before congress and testify to what he did or did not witness under oath.
The AM radio host I listen to, who is conservative, just read off a list of things this morning the right have been accusing of Ford which turned out to not be true, such as having negative reviews on an online ratings board for college professors, that she is a big contributor to Democrats, and that she made similar accusations about Neil Gorsuch.
I'm sorry, but if one says they do not believe Ford, then they are attacking her.
- Would the most patriotic thing all those around the President could do be to completely ignore all his commands and attempt to convince him? To resign for the good of the country? Then, Pence could pardon him for all crimes (just like Ford pardoned Nixon) and the country will be safe once again.
- Why are Republican senators such cowards? They're calling in a woman to question Dr. Blasey Ford when it's their job to question her. That has never happened before in the history of our country.
- Trump just said he doesn't care if Ford was lying or not, the important thing is the GOP won. Can we pretty much assume any conservative? Is lying every time they speak from now on? Like we didn't know already. Taking a lie away from a conservative is like taking a porkchop away from a pitbull.
- Left liberal grandstanding liberal politicians said they believe her based on nothing but her mere words, I wonder? If they'll give the same courtesy telling the public they believe Ford's declared witnesses? Who all said they don't even know Ford.