Was the assault on Dr. Ford targeted or a crime of opportunity?
Was the assault on Dr. Ford targeted or a crime of opportunity?
Neither. All of the witnesses she listed have given statements to the Committee and none of them corroborated her story.
Don't vote Democrat
Until you or your fellow whackjobs can prove otherwise, there was no assault on Ford. Her alcohol-induced quasi-memory is irrelevant in the real world.
You don't even know it happened. Right now this 'assault' is in the realm of unicorn attacks.
I combined 2 crimes from last year, both of them belong to your team.
There was no assault.
Nope. She has no recollection
Where's the evidence of a crime?
- Why doesn't Ford just identify as not an assault victim and move on, just like when you identify as a different gender? After all, if a man can "identify" as a woman despite the actual physical evidence he sees in the mirror every day, it should be a snap to "identify" past something that has no evidence. Stop dodging the question libs - the mechanism you claim allows you to be a different gender despite your years in your physical body should be powerful enough to change your perspective on one moment of your life… Or is the whole thing a fraud?
- What is Ford's excuse for not reporting this alleged crime 36 years ago when a proper investigation could have been done? Even if you say that the police would have not taken it seriously back then, it would still have been on file and came up during the FBI background check.
- Is it typical of Trump supporters for them to call for the arrest and jailing of crime victims if they DARE to accuse their attackers? "Candace Owens attacked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on Wednesday, saying that she should be jailed."
- If the Ford case isn't a Federal crime why would the FBI investigate? They only investigate backgrounds, which they have done on Kavanaugh 6 times, and Federal crimes. This isn't one.