Wait, I thought Ford wasn't going to show up? Are Conservative prognosticators about as accurate as Punxsutawney Phil?

Wait, I thought Ford wasn't going to show up? Are Conservative prognosticators about as accurate as Punxsutawney Phil?

She tricked us. More proof democrats are liars.

PP is right most of the time.

She didn't show up.

Today is Thursday. Not Monday.

Breaking news: two men have come forward and admitted assaulting Ford. Why is she even testifying when we have an admission from two men?

That 'just showing up' seems such a major accomplishment for you seems pretty consistent with your politics… Such as they are…

Conservatism is drifting further and further away from reality.

They were hoping the woman would lose her nerves and the boys' club could carry on, and then they could claim the ''moral high ground'' again.

Mansplaining when Feinstein started talking was also a nice touch.

GOP=Greedy Old Perverts

We thought that because one of the excuses she gave for having to delay the hearings was that she was claustrophobic and had to drive from CA to DC and hadn't started yet. Funny how she must have been able to fly after all.

Less accurate

Ford said she was showing up. Then she said she was not showing up because of reason x. Then she said she was showing up. The she said she was not showing up because of reason y and z.

so, hey, what do you know? Ford is unreliable. Like we didn't already know that.

The groundhog thing is relatively accurate because he usually sees his shadow and winter always ends in late March.