Vast majority of Americans side with Kavanugh. I bet ford ends up in jail?

Why did Feinstein drag this out? Ford now says she didn't want this public.

Where'd you hear that? Fox News?

There's not one Democrat in the country that wants him on the Supreme Court.

Wrong. A plurality believe Blasey Ford. There's no vast majority either way or even an overwhelming plurality. It is pretty close. Maybe you should actually read something before making stupid assertions and letting everyone know you are dumb.

I think her parents belong in jail for dropping a 15 year old off at drunken high school parties. What kind of deadbeats allow that?

Just keep making stuff up and see what it gets you.

Fienstien is a bltch. Who knows what she was trying to do. We all know these old Democrats are all bought and owned by greedy corporations and don't care anything at all about Liberal causes.

One wonders how you think Dr. Ford ends up in jail. Even if it's revealed that she's lying this would be merely the civil matter of defamation. Kavanaugh could sue her for damages but that would be about it (and if she lost you can rest assured others would pay the settlement for her).

Practicing your prevarication, I see. Good for you!

Vast? No.

She not only lied, she wasted taxpayers money, she is causing angst, death threats, you name it.
When this is over I hope Mr. Kavanaugh sues her. While he is a supreme court justice.

Vast majority of things said by conservatives revealed to be deliberate lies.

I bet you end up in jail, given your ideology's proclivities.