Trump to meet with Rosenstein on Thursday. What better day to cashier him, the same day that Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh hearing is scheduled?

Trump to meet with Rosenstein on Thursday. What better day to cashier him, the same day that Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh hearing is scheduled?

Is Putin paying you to divide our country?

Distracting from a distraction with a distraction! We're used to it & can keep up.

Another paid Russian troll.

Jeez. You look at politics and the governing of this country like a sports game. I'm willing to bet you know little to nothing about policies that effect your life, just who's sides up and down at the time…

Yeah… Kinda funny how that worked out.

But I'm betting he quits before then.

How would Trump explain his believing the "fake" Times?

Why would the Times want to provoke Trump into firing Rosenstein before the election?