What is this part called on my Ford Taurus engine?

What is this part called on my Ford Taurus engine

Please let me know if you know the name for this?

Added (1). What is this part called on my Ford Taurus engine - 1

Looks like a fitting for a heater hose.

Heater - fillerpipe

I registered my van on Amazon.com. Then, I can browse departments (engine, brakes, tune-up, etc) to look for parts that only fit my van. If nobody on here can name it, it should take you 15 minutes to find it on Amazon. After registering your vehicle, go to "My Garage" to search parts for it.

It is just a connector for the heater hose.

It is a 90 degree heater hose fitting.

Def a heater hose pipe fitting to engine. Part number will easily be available at any main dealer. It is however a press fitting and will need a suitable tool and locking adhesive. Probably best to get it fitted by a garage or main deal so we get a warranty and correctly bled system etc.

Looks like the tube for one of the heater core hoses to attach to.

I think you might have to buy a whole new lower intake manifold.