Really want a Ford Taurus?

I had a '99 Taurus has my first car. I absolutely loved it. I've owned 2 Tauruses since then but sold them to get a newer more reliable car. I now have a chevy impala but I really have my heart set on getting another 1996-1999 Taurus. Most people think I'm crazy to sell my car to get a Taurus that's almost 20 years old. Do you think it's worth it?

No, it is not worth it. They were good cars in their day, but they are getting older and deteriorating. If you did buy one, you can expect to invest a lot of money into repairs just to bring it back to reliable running condition.

Remember that rubber parts deteriorate. This means brake lines at the wheels, cooling system, fuel system and tires. So even the cleanest car you can find can still need a lot of work.