2000 Ford Taurus thermostat/fuel economy?

How much will a change of the thermostat from 190 to 180 degrees affect fuel economy?

Not gonna change

The reduction in operating temp is for pulling a trailer in summer weather.

It won't.

ALL ENGINES today are designed to reach their optimal temperatures as quickly as possible and to HOLD them there! LOWERING the T stat usually does the OPPOSITE to them, as the INJETORS may waste fuel at a LOWER temp if not set for that temp! IT is BEST if you just POWER WASH ENGINE to allow the engine metals to COOL NATURALY without LEAKS and tarry coatings, and to do a MOTOR FLUSH to remove tarry sludge from the INSIDE of the engine so it ALSO cools down NATURALLY! Expect a slight DECREASZE in economy1'BEST OFF USING mobil one 0W-30 oil and BOSCH iridium plugs in there for MORE power and economy and LONGER exhaust life! BYE NOW!

Probably won't. Cars need a certain temp to run properly so we have thermostats. But a 10 degree drop won't affect much. It will help the car run cooler and cooler is better as far as engine life. Your car heater may not be as warm as once before.

Not at all

Your serious right? I'm thinking bumping your tire pressure up to 40 psi will do more at less cost, hell, even giveing it a good glossy waxing so it cuts through the air easier, but who am I?