Sometime next week the free lawyers and news media and dem handlers are going to disappear from Ford's life. What will she be left with?

Sometime next week the free lawyers and news media and dem handlers are going to disappear from Ford's life. What will she be left with?

Unless they fine the sht out of her she has a couple of gigantic GoFundMe accounts. She's basically set for life.

$900,000.00 from gofundme and whatever Soros and have paid her.

Most likely the talk show circuit and some sort of book deal.

Her teaching position at the university.

A bunch of lying contards calling her names

She will be left with a doctorate, a successful career, and the knowledge that she did what she thought was right.

The same troubled and emotionally challenged existence which Kavanaugh was NEVER a part of.

A book deal, a couple years worth of relevancy charging $10K to speak on college campuses and I'm guessing someone from feinstein's office will send her some dried flowers…

Her husband, her sons, her house with two front doors, and a big wad of gofundme.

A clear conscience. She told the truth, passed a polygraph, begged for a full FBI investigation to corroborate her allegations, testified before a bunch of old white men that just wanted to hang her and is now receiving constant death threats. Kavanaugh could clear his conscience with a polygraph too, but he refuses to take one.