Since Dr. Ford's accusations are considered so credible, that means Bill Clinton will be brought to trial soon, too, right?

Since Dr. Ford's accusations are considered so credible, that means Bill Clinton will be brought to trial soon, too, right?

False statement 1 means no

I'm looking for the proof on clinton as we speak.

What? That's like saying, "Since the automobile runs so well, that means we will be going to Mars soon".

Remember democrats are hypocrites

I didn't see where she accused Bill Clinton of assaulting her as well.

Dr. Ford who?

What does Ford being credible have to do with Flowers or any of the other names (I have no idea what they are) of women who made allegations against Clinton?

They are considered credible by the lest who believes her before they even knew who she was or what she said. They are partisan hacks.

No one is asking for Kavanaugh to go to trial, but when you are a conservative, you are known to be profoundly stupid.

I don't think anyone has pressed charges on him. Monica recently appeared on a talk show and said she doesn't want to talk about it. Walked off stage. Who else was there? I forgot… I know there were some women angry with him, right?

Sean Hannity's orders are to keep asking Clinton question, huh? You're a good lil minion.