Since an FBI investigation has been ordered for the Ford allegations against Kavanaugh, can Mark Judge/others be forced to testify in person?
Since an FBI investigation has been ordered for the Ford allegations against Kavanaugh, can Mark Judge/others be forced to testify in person?
Added (1). Judge Judy doesn't read or accept sworn statements because she wants to question them to see how they react to her questioning. Why wouldn't that apply in this case?
They can be subpoenaed
In a non-Stalinist system… Or made-for-TV melodrama… The term is "subpoenaed"…
What does the FBI have to investigate that hasn't already been covered. There are sworn statements from all of the alleged witnesses. There's no evidence. The accuser can't say for sure where or when it happened. It was more than 35 years ago. The FBI has no power to force people to testify.
JUST IN (on my time machine) OFFICIAL FBI REPORT:
Christine Blasey Ford is a wackadoodle liberal nutbag.
No. You don't ever have to answer an FBI question, and there are reasons you shouldn't.
No, they don't have to reply at all.
Even if subpoenaed they can sit there for an hour saying I don't remember it was 36 years ago
- Now, as Kavanaugh has been confirmed, which legal or institutional opportunities will he have to retaliate for Christine Ford's allegations? She said she would have to flee to New Zealand if Kavanaugh was confirmed, so evidently she feared that he would try to revenge himself on her.
- Isn't Cuntstine Ford's allegations against judge K so believable? Not a single police report, not 1 credible witnesses, no records of a hospital visit, no corroboration…
- Has the power of Leftist Propaganda made everyone forget that Judge Kavanaugh has been a Champion of Women? Does the Left prefer Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy given they reelected him 7 times in memory of Mary Jo Kopechne? Is it more proof that Hollywood, the Press and the Silicone Valley control the minds of too many? Didn't 75 Women of both Parties come out before Christine Ford to say how they support him?
- Don't you think that if Mark Judge has to testify under oath, he will quickly remember the address of the house? Where Dr. Ford was assaulted and which one of his friends lived there? The letter his lawyer signed is meaningless.