Since all 4 witnesses Ford claims will back up her story, wouldn't it be great to have them testify what they're saying now?
"We don't even know her"
Agree. Why won't GOP Senators on the Committee allow them to testify? Just curious.
Yes! To bad libtards do not want that because it would show what a LOON Ford really is proving her 3 psychotic breaks are legit
Priceless. Look at CNN contort themselves as the libstain story totally unravels.
Yep It's all bullspit until they testify under oath
It seems fox news can get a LOT of info. I bet the FBI could get even more. We should let them investigate. Except trump refuses to re open the background check. This makes me think trump and brett have something to hide. Now that manafort has flipped and cohen is singing like a canary to Mueller, trump sees kavanough as his last hope to try to avoid the treason gallows for conspiring with Russian spies during his campaign. It looks like he will try anything to get him confirmed. Trump is acting like a guilty man.
- Since Ford was helpless to use her brain to get the attention she wanted, isn't it great she can play dumb & say her body was used? To get a book that sells? "My only witness denies the event and I don't know anyone else that went to the party… And I don't know how I got home… I was such a loner that I had ZERO friends that noticed I was traumatized or that I could tell. I was drunk for 3 years and hated my parents but look at me now… I have authoritah!
- Should the FBI be investigating Dr. Ford? We can easily see Dr. Ford has changed her story, gave her story to the Media instead of? Standing tall and testifying, refuses to be investigated, deleted her social media account history and emails and has all the earmarks of a Leftist that Hates Trump enough to distort the facts or lie. The FBI has investigated Kavanaugh 6 times, why not Dr. Ford?
- Christine Blasey Ford says. She has no idea where, when ( not even a year ) but says her witnesses will back her up, now those 4 say? Sorry, Don't know here, never met her. Since grandstanding liberal politicians couldn't wait to get in front of the mic and say she's telling the truth and they believe her, will they now do the same to the witnesses she named who say "nope, never met her"?